Home/ Products/Brake Hose Crimping Machine

Details of brake hose crimping machines technical specifications

As the name of brake hose crimping machine we can see that this kind of hose crimper is used for crimping brake hoses in vehicles and air hoses used for diving in the deep sea of modern sports amusement. The dies of brake hose crimping machine change in axis position, which makes the special hose fittings installed properly. Besides, it is equipped with self-filling oil cup, making the oil filling automatic and even. And it uses variable pump, making it save power. More importantly, brake hose crimping machine can lubricate the working surface automatically due to the lubricating groove on the frictional surface.

Here we supply five types brake hose crimping machines. They are used for crimping brake or air hoses with 2 wire spiral, 4 layer wire spiral or 6 layer wire spiral.

BHCM-84 type brake hose crimping machine

Brake hose

BHCM-145 type brake hose crimping machine

Brake hose

The details of brake hose crimping machine:

Finished products (brake hose)

Brake hose crimping machine finished product

Three brake hoses finished by brake hose crimper

Brake hose assemblies crimped by brake hose crimping machine

Four brake hose assemblies made by our brake hose crimping machine

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